Katie Baldwin

Katie Baldwin (Huntsville, AL) is a skilled bookbinder and printmaker who explores methods of abstraction and representation of landscape through printmaking, drawing and textiles. Recognizable subjects of rivers, mountains and gardens are deconstructed utilizing color, pattern, shape and form. She says,  "I am immersed in making work by hand: blocks are carved, inked up and hand-pulled, fabric is pieced. My process is a physical reminder of limitations, while serving as a direct response to the tactile act of making things [...] the work challenges the unity of time by showing several moments at once. I reveal the interior and exterior of both man-made and natural environments."

Baldwin received a BFA from Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA and an MFA from the University of the Arts, Philadelphia. She has been an artist-in-residence at Common Press, University of Pennsylvania; The University of Hawaii; Vermont Student Center; and Women’s Studio Workshop. She has had residencies in Scotland, Iceland, Nicaragua, Poland, Cuba, Mexico and Japan. Baldwin’s work has been exhibited at The Print Center, Philadelphia; Montgomery Museum of Fine Art, AL and Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland. Her work can be found in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; The Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS; and Yale University Library Special Collections, New Haven, CT. She has received grants from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the College Book Arts Association.

Artists & Publishers