
Temporary Services

Temporary Conversations: Tim Kerr

Soft, die cut cover with staple-bound binding
Offset lithograph cover, digital throughout
8 1/2" x 5 1/2"
32 pages
Edition of 475

The second in Temporary Services’ interview series Temporary Conversations.

From the introduction: "Tim Kerr is a musician, studio engineer and visual artist based in Austin, Texas. He played guitar in the Big Boys, an Austin band that was heavily responsible for putting Texas on the map in the punk and hardcore underground.

The Big Boys lasted from 1979-1984. Kerr went on to play in numerous other bands, including Poison 13, Bad Mutha Goose and the Brothers Grimm, MonkeyWrench, Jack O’ Fire, Lord High Fixers, King Sound Quartet, the Now Time Delegation, and most recently, Total Sound Group Direct Action Committee. He has also recorded and produced (or, as he modestly says, “… [B]een a guidance counselor,”) for dozens of bands on nearly 150 releases.”

This is easily one of the most extensive interviews with Tim Kerr ever published. He has an incredibly positive and inspiring approach to life, creativity, and working with others that is exciting to be able to explore. In addition to the interview, this book includes photos by Bill Daniel, Tim's wife Beth Kerr and others. It also features multiple illustrations of Tim's art, as well as punk fliers that he designed in the early 1980s.