Lars Nyberg

Lars Nyberg's (Stockholm, Sweden) drypoints depict a variety of subjects: street scenes, winter trees, plants and abstract architectural elements. The commonality between these scenes is a quiet isolation as silent and peaceful as the winter scenes they depict.  Nyberg was born in 1956 in Lulea, Sweden and attended Royal College of Fine Art in Stockholm from 1978-1983. His work is featured in private collections across Europe, Japan and the USA including the Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, Sweden; Art Museums in Vasteras, Norrkoping and Oreb. Sweden; The Swedish Arts Council;, Lousiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark; Office of Public Works, Dublin, Ireland; British Museum, London, England; The Ballinglen Archive, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Co. Mayo, Ireland and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

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